Collection: Chinese Glass Bead

Chinese glass beads are manufactured in East China's Shandong province. "World-class glass art is found in China, and the best of China's glass art is in Boshan," referring to the exquisite, delicate, and subtle nature of Boshan's glass art in Zibo, which uses similar materials to create glass that looks like pearls and jade, with colors like flowing clouds. In 2008, the craft of glassblowing was listed on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

The art of Boshan glass can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (c. 11th century – 771 BC) and reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It has been continuously produced without interruption through the Song (960-1279), Ming (1368-1644), and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.